The kitchen is a part of the room or a room used for the preparation of food, kitchen is usually the center of the house where meal preparation and serving are carried out.
Your kitchen is an absolute hotspot for bacteria and germs. When you clean your kitchen you only wipe the surfaces, it might shock you but the kitchen floor has twice as many bacteria on it as others types of floors. Kitchen cleaning is not only about cleaning surfaces. If you want to give new life again to your kitchen make sure that you give a deep clean to the floor. Cleaning every surface of your kitchen might be challenging when you’re on a tight schedule.

The below Kitchen cleaning tips will help to sparkle your kitchen.
- A place for everything
One of the most used places in a house is the kitchen. The kitchen goes through a lot during the day as well as at night. Instead of scattering things here and there in your kitchen, provide a proper place for all necessary stuff all in one spot.
- Have a trash bowl
Instead of throwing the leftover food onto the counter place them in the trash bowl. You can also be used as compost to grow different vegetables. It is more efficient to peel the vegetables in the compost/ trash bowl, which helps you to save time and keep your kitchen clean.
- Set times and days for doing things
When you have set time and days, for doing certain things it is easier to remember and complete your task in the relevant period.
- Clean as you go
It is good to put every stuff all in one spot, before going out of the home. Instead of scattering things on your counter, put things in the proper place as you use them.
- Clean up spills
Clean up spills as soon as possible If you don’t remove stains then they will be dried up and hard to remove. Once the spills soaked they could not be cleaned up with simple steps.
- Wipe out the sink after washing dishes
After washing dishes, you must not forget to clean the sink as soon as possible. This wiping process only takes 3-5 minutes. Wipe the food scraps and down surfaces gently. This cleaning process will help to go the next time you need to wash dishes.
- Let the water out of the sink the right way
This process is super basic and efficient. Let the water out of the sink the right way it will help you to brighten up the sink and helps to wipe the sink easily.
- Polish woodwork with the natural solution
The natural solution for cleaning woodwork is lemon oil and vinegar. It gives shine and a lovely scent to your kitchen. Spray the solution into the woodwork and clean using a soft cotton cloth.
Appliances you must clean while cleaning the kitchen
- The microwave, ovens, and dishwasher need more cleaning than other kinds of stuff in the kitchen. The microwave contains greasy stains which must be removed as soon as possible.
- The refrigerator is also must used appliance in the kitchen, the handles are repeatedly kept in touch for opening and closing. You must clean inside the refrigerator too.
- You can clean the dishwasher by using a natural solution like lemon oil, and vinegar.
- Baking soda, commercial cleaner, and dish wash soap will help you to wipe the greasy stains of the microwave.
- Use paper towels, and microfiber cloth while removing spots from your kitchen wood furniture.
Proper management of kitchen wastes
- Do not forget to dispose of the waste product.
- Keep renewable and non-renewable wastes in a separate containers.
- Dry wastes like glasses and plastics can be recycled and used further.
Point to be considered while cleaning the kitchen
- When you start the cleaning process.
- Clean the chimney and removed the vapors from it.
- Always use mats for the refrigerator.
- Keep your paper rag, Dishwasher, and Soap in a fixed place.
- Remove stains from things as soon as possible.
Natural cleaning elements
- Lemon oil
- Vinegar
- Raw lemon
- Rosemary
- Pine
- Orange leaves
- Tea oil
Whether your kitchen is big or small never leave the small mess to become a bigger mess. All you need is to give the tittle time for cleaning. Always prefer the top to bottom cleaning.